Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Simply put… its all in the song that we love to sing for its pureness and simplicity. This is Solfeggio Frequencies.
That sounds simple right?
What are the Solfeggio Frequencies ?
To start, Solfeggio syllables were created by Guido D’Arezzio, an Italian music composer and theorist in the 9th century. D’Arezzio used a Latin hymn, “Ut queant laxis”, written by Paolo Diancono, an Italian Benedictine monk, to create a six note ascending scale (Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La) with each note corresponding to a particular frequency. Ut was later replaced with Do and Si (which later became Ti in the 19th century) was added in the end to yield – Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do – the complete diatonic scale as we know it in music today.
This olden six-tone scale is based on the sacred music frequencies. These frequencies hold their medicine through aligning the body and mind with the fundamental vibrations that form the Universe. But as it evolved, the spiritual essence of D’Arezzio’s work was mislaid and forgotten in the folds of time until it was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, an American Physician, in the 1970s. Based on his research and with the help of the DNA experiments of Dr. Glen Rein in the 1980s, Solfeggio frequencies have the potential to be used therapeutically for relaxation, wellness and to reduce anxiety.

“If You Wish To Understand The Universe, Think Of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.”
Nikola Tesla
Get to Know the Solfeggio Frequencies
Let’s take a brief look at six Solfeggio frequencies and how they support our wellness, relaxation and harmony.
396 Hz Uplifting, Anchoring and Empowering
Music tuned to 396 Hz helps purge deep-seated, subliminal fears and unshackles the mind from subconscious anguish. It can abolish negative thoughts of guilt and remorse that invariably become a hurdle in our road to realization and relaxation. 396 Hz music is often recommended for beginners as it can prepare you for getting the most from listening to other frequencies. It is associated with balancing the Root Chakra and the color red.
432 Hz Relaxation, Calming and Grounding
Up until the mid-20th century, all musical instruments were constructed for 432 Hz tuning, which was the standard tuning back then. It was only in the mid 20th century that 440 Hz tuning replaced it as the new norm. The 432 Hz frequency invokes feelings of calmness and a sense of inner peace, which makes it the ideal accompaniment for meditation, relaxation and yoga. This frequency is said to be in tune with the Sacral Chakra and is visualized using the color orange.
528 Hz Regeneration, Healing and Self Efficacy
Genetic biochemists have successfully demonstrated how 528 Hz can be used to repair damaged DNA in labs. Other studies have shown that just a few minutes of listening to music at 528 Hz can help reduce stress in the autonomic nervous system. A recent study in the Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy indicates that listening to 528 Hz music can increase cell viability and mitigate the damage caused by toxins like ethanol found in alcohol. This can be your go-to music when you feel burnt out or to heal yourself in times of de-addiction and sickness. 528 Hz is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra and a bright shade of yellow.
639 Hz Emotional Equilibrium and Rejuvenation
639 Hz frequencies are known to promote emotional stability which can lead to improved communication and a better understanding of how to navigate interpersonal relationships. They are acclaimed to generate feelings of love, empathy and harmony. They can be helpful for those who struggle to find clarity and positivity in relationships or people who are under stress or trauma associated with interpersonal interactions from the past or present. This frequency is associated with the Heart Chakra and the color green.
741 Hz Clarity, Intuition and Purification
741 Hz can help resolve pent up emotions that hinder you from experiencing and expressing your true Self. This clarity can awaken dormant and suppressed instincts and rekindle your intuition in the long run. This frequency is ideal for those who want an emotional cleanse, enhanced creative expression and viable support as they transition into a healthier lifestyle. 741 Hz is associated with the Throat Chakra and a blue color akin to the cloudless sky.
852 Hz Positivity, Union and Awakening
852 Hz frequency works best for those who seek union with the highest Self. It reinstates positivity in those struggling with anxiety and helps realign your mind, body and spirit with the universal vibration. It is known for helping people achieve stillness that can propel them into the deeper dimensions of meditation and is associated with the Third-Eye Chakra and a plush indigo color.
To learn more about the Chakra colours, read DoCalm’s article Beautiful Colours to Inspire your Mood Today.
How to Use Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio For Meditation
Solfeggio frequencies are commonly used as a tool to achieve a state of relaxation and to complement other spiritual practices that anchor the mind in stillness.
First, find a quiet spot where you can be free from distractions. This could be on the sofa in your living room, on your bed or on a yoga mat in your garden or terrace. Ideally, you can lie down or sit in the full or half lotus pose but any position that is comfortable enough to sustain for the next half hour will suffice.
Next, use the music playing device of your choice to access and play Solfeggio Sounds from any of the free online websites or music platforms. 432 Hz music would be a good choice for beginners when they meditate and 852 Hz music can help more experienced spiritual practitioners achieve deeper states of relaxation. You can play the tracks on speakers or headphones, although the latter may help in tuning out unwanted noise and will relay a more intense experience. Either way, use moderate volume since the idea is to generate a sense of calm and bring you mind, body and spirit into harmony.
You can simply bask in the soothing sounds and let a feeling or relaxation wash over you. If you feel restless or distracted, as is common for beginners, you should find something symbolic or meaningful to center your thoughts. For example, you can just pay close attention to your breath without trying to control or manipulate it or you can envision a soft blue light enter you with every deep breath and feel it course through you as you inhale and exhale. Experiment with different ways to bring the music, breath and mind in sync and in the process you will discover deeper states of meditation that leave you feeling calm and grounded throughout the day.
Solfeggio For Work
Solfeggio music can be used equally effectively to maintain focus and remain relaxed while working or reading. However, they should be avoided if you are performing important tasks that require alertness like driving or operating machinery. You can listen to your playlists using headphones or speakers while gardening, working on a computer or doing menial chores. 741 Hz music may be a viable option but you can pick any frequency based on your self-improvement goals and experiment with different tracks until you find something that works for you. Alternatively, you could make a playlist with a track or two at every frequency and travel through the entire spectrum of sound.

Solfeggio For Sleep
Besides meditation, Solfeggio music is commonly used to calm the mind and induce sound sleep. These sounds can be played even while you are asleep and may assist in improved sleep quality. In this case, speakers would be a better choice than ear buds or headphones for reasons of comfort. Generally, 528 Hz music is considered ideal for supporting deep relaxation and good sleep.
Let Sound be Your Therapy
As a beginner, you don’t need to focus your attention on anything particular. Just let your mind indulge in the sound and serenity with the intent to bring your senses into balance. Keep your mind clear from unwanted thoughts, especially negative ones. After a few sessions you can try to connect or wrap your entire focus on specific things like a color, a visualization, your breath or the sound itself. Don’t be discouraged by the initial struggle, if any, because all new things require some getting used to. There are many online resources for apps, websites and music playlists pertaining to each Solfeggio frequency. Why not curate tracks before hand and create a go-to playlist.
We recommend at least three sessions of fifteen minutes as a starting point. Over a period of time, regular listening will unravel subtle yet significant positive changes in your demeanour, performance and stress levels. Solfeggio frequencies are completely safe and have no known side effects if heard at reasonable volume, as is the case with any sound therapy. There are no restrictions on when or how to listen to Solfeggio frequencies for relaxation and you can feel free to explore their many possibilities as you carve your calm.
Solfeggio Frequencies Sound Science
Solfeggio music has garnered a lot of recent interest from therapists, researchers and users with many dedicated YouTube Channels, Spotify playlists and resource websites regularly publishing and updating their catalogue. Most users report feeling more grounded and relaxed after the very first session itself. It comes as no surprise that a recent study in 2019 noted that listening to music tuned to 432 Hz led to a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rates. It concluded that subjects were more focused and generally more satisfied after sessions of 432 Hz tuned music as compared to 440 Hz music. There is sound science to support this sound.
All 9 Types of Solfeggio Frequencies
Here is a video compilation of 9 Solfeggio Frequencies with descriptions of each sound’s frequency.
Sound will be the Medicine of the Future
Edger Cayce
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