Beautiful Colours to Inspire Your Mood Today

Beautiful Colours

Overwhelmed by stress and disappointed in conventional medicine, people often turn to more alternative sources. One of the ways to restore balance and include a healing feature in life is colour therapy.

What is color therapy?

To begin, color therapy is a natural treatment that can proceed alongside other therapy or medication. It is a holistic and non-invasive method that uses the length of a wave of light, represented by colors, in the process of healing. It can be practiced with specialized therapists (also known as chromatherapists) but can also be included in everyday life and practice.

Scientists have already proven that colors influence peoples’ moods and sometimes even behaviors[i]. Each color has its wavelength and energy which can be used in the process of healing and also introduce more calmness into one’s life. Something that can be seen as a new trend has been known and widely practiced in ancient Egypt, India and China.


Colours are considered electromagnetic waves that continually surround people and affect them daily.



Chakra and Colors

In color therapy, the whole spectrum of 7 colors is used[ii]. Chromatherapists believe that different colors resemble energetic centers of the body. These energetic centers are better known as chakras.

Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel. To work well, the wheel’s parts have to move smoothly with each other. When energy is not flowing freely between chakras, it may cause energetic blocks and lead to increased stress, anxiety and even diseases.

Chakras correlate with particular colors. The crown chakra is represented with violet, the brow with indigo. Blue is connected to the throat. In the middle of the chakras, there is a heart connected with a “neutral’ color – green. The Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base correspond with yellow, orange and red.

From the top to the bottom of the body, chakras create a spectrum of colors.


Strong preferences towards colors can be a sign of which chakras are blocked in one’s body. In this case, working with proper colors can return balance into one’s life. Colors influence particular chakras and help unlock them so that the vital energy can float through the body. To learn more about Chakra Energy check out this article in Conscious Lifestyle Magazine click here.

Learn more about the power of the Chakras and the corresponding colours in this video.

Color Wheel Basics

Particular colours work on people differently. However, some universal features are assigned to them. Warm ones, such as orange, red or yellow, are connected to energizing and warming features. Cold colours, such as blue, violet, and indigo are usually cool and calm. Green is a buffer between cold and warm colours.

5 Ways to include colors in life

It is best to include colours and their power into everyday life. Colours affect people on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level. Because of this, it is worth paying attention to the surrounding tones.

  • Start with Your Wardrobe: Even though it may seem obvious, personal colour therapy can start with the wardrobe. Seeing as most of the time people wear clothes, it is so important to be careful when choosing them. According to chromotherapists, a body can absorb colours. That is why they recommend using all shades from the spectrum of seven. Even if a person does not like a particular colour, it should be included in the outfit even as an accessory. That way, it is possible to balance chakras daily by using the full spectrum of colours.
  • Search in nature: Nature is full of colours. There is no shade that humans could invent which is not already out there, in the wilderness. As everything in this universe, it is not a coincidence. Drawing from the goodness of nature is always a great idea. A long walk along the shore, with the blue sea and sky, can release tension. Not only because of the calming sound of waves but also because of colour. Looking at green leaves or walking barefoot, while concentrating on the tone of the wet grass, can also calm nerves. Colour therapy can be part of your Forest Walk. To read more about the benefits of Forest Bathing, check out DoCalm’s article.

There is no shade that humans could invent which is not already out there, in the wilderness.

  • Imagine colors: When there is no access to the natural sources, it is worth to reach out to the imagination: closing one’s eyes and thinking about beautiful spaces filled with color. Visualize a safe and relaxing spot. Focusing on the tones that are bursting and spilling in front of the eyes is a great calming practice. People who are just starting their adventure with natural healing, meditation and color therapy can reach for various meditation apps that offer guided color meditation. Watching a video that projects colors on the screen is also a good choice.
  • Colors in Living Spaces: Similarly to the clothes that people wear every day, interiors have a tremendous effect on the mood and energy flow. Cold colors have more calming properties. They should be used mostly in spaces that are dedicated to relaxation. Choosing blue shades for the bedroom is a great idea. This color is not only calming and cooling, but also it slows the heart rate and reduces high blood pressure and headaches. It is also a fabulous choice for a bathroom[iii].

On the other hand, workspaces should be dominated by bright colours such as orange or yellow. This way, a person who spends time in the office will feel more energetic, creative and ready to face challenges.

Colour Therapy in the Bedroom

The Bedroom is a place where one we spend most of our time, sleeping. Let your sleeping quarter be transported to a sanctuary of sleep in the colours of your walls and accessories like pillows and wall hangings. Pastel cool colours like blue, violet are great choices. Bedrooms are also more relaxing spaces when you use grounding colours like greens and earth tones. White is always a great option.

Avoiding bright colours like yellow and striking colours like neons and red is highly recommended. You really don’t want to be overstimulated with bright colours.

Color Therapy in the Living Room

For the living room, as it is a space both to relax but also to enjoy living, green is the best choice. As a “middle” colour, green includes the calmness of blue shades with the vigour of yellow. Choosing green paint or accessories to decorate interiors is like transporting nature into the house.

To learn more about developing healthy sleep habits, read DoCalm’s Article: Create Your Peaceful Sleep and Sleep Like a Baby.



As in everything, balance is the most important in color therapy. It is good to choose a dominant color that will suit the best for the purpose of the space. However, it is also worth to add other colors in a smaller amount, for example as accessories: pillows, flowers, candles and colorful LED lamps.

People see colours but also feel them, which is why their importance cannot be undervalued. From releasing pain, through decreasing high blood pleasure, to the relaxing benefits – colours have an amazing healing power that can be used by everyone, everywhere.


[i)Reporter, G. S. (2008, July 6). Colour therapy. The Guardian.

[ii] What Is Colour Therapy – all about Color Therapy. (2020, January 7). Colour Therapy.

[iii] Private Property South Africa. (2017, August 3). How to use colour therapy in your bedroom. Private Property.

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