What Anxiety Looks Like
There are rushing thoughts filling your mind: fears of what can go wrong, difficulties making decisions, preoccupation with regret and a feeling of being overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities. Anxiety is like an invisible monster, chasing you through out your day- its physical harm comes from manifestations in your belly and your mind. Like any monster, it doesn’t eat you, but plagues you with fear and a feeling that you are losing control over your life.
Like any monster, it doesn’t eat you, but plagues you with fear and a feeling that you are losing control over your life.
People experience anxiety in various ways. Outside the feelings of overwhelm, the physical symptoms experienced included: sweaty palms, indigestion, headaches. Chronic anxiety can lead to stress- related illness like heart disease and a poor metabolism making it difficult for us to manage our health while others lose excessive weight due to anxiety. Anxiety usually is present with other mental health conditions like depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). While many people experience bouts of anxiety, the problem can be more severe if someone does not learn to manage anxiety- Generalized Anxiety Disorder, unlike acute anxiety, takes over one’s life.
Escape From the Monster
I know this sounds scary. Many of us feel paralyzed by anxiety – the stories anxiety tells our minds and the physical symptoms can overwhelm. Learning to manage anxiety can be one of the most empowering things that you can do to live a better life; finding calm is possible within the chaos of the chase by the anxiety monster.
How To Calm Anxiety
Have Compassion for Yourself
How often do you beat up yourself about your past mistakes? Probably more then you think. You are not perfect, and no one is. Your life may feel imperfect, because you set out high standards for yourself. Take time to notice all those is going well in your life and all the ways that you make this world a better place. Remind yourself that you love yourself. It is okey for you to make mistakes and learn from them. You deserve to feel good. Offer yourself the compassion that you would offer a young child, reminding yourself daily that you are loved.
Set Boundaries
In a world where everything is competing for our time, it is easy to overdo. When we give to much of our time taking care of others, when we fail to take care of ourselves, we can become anxious and unhappy. Check out this video featuring the note-worthy speaker Sari Gillman speaking about Setting Boundaries.
We are also inundated with information and opportunities in our online world. One of the greatest lessons in life will be the courage and capacity to say no to choices that don’t align with our health and values. To learn more about creating a new relationship with time in order to have more calm and clarity in your day read DoCalm’s article: A New Way of Being With Time.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness brings us back to our senses and as we cultivate this virtue, we learn to be observers of our own mind. This sounds easier than it actually is, although with dedication and practice it can change your life. Mindfulness can be cultivated through everyday activities like eating, meditation and movement modalities. To learn about mindfulness read this article called 5 Ways To Practice Mindfulness in Your Life in DoCalm Today.
Talk it Out
We are not a lone island.
Everybody needs a friend, a listener and non-judgmental ear that can help us. Another ear can show us empathy and compassion and help us create solutions and changes in our lives that can shift us from a place of losing control to empowerment. You can find a therapist or counsellor or life-coach to support you as you manage anxiety or join a support group online or in person. We can also arrive at anxiety when we have not come to understand our childhood experiences or trauma. There are many treatments for those who need support and reaching out is your first step. There is nothing like feeling heard and understood and validated.
Take Care of Your Body
Your body responds to your stress. It’s like a canary in the coal mine, that there is something that needs to change in order to feel more at ease. Take the time to practice body care. Here is a short list to consider:
- Nourishing food
- Lots of clean water
- Avoid foods that overstimulate the body like coffee, sugar and saturated fats
- Exercise and movement
- Better sleep. To learn more about improving your sleep read DoCalm’s article Creating A Peaceful Sleep.
Use Natural Supplements to Reduce Anxiety
For thousands of years, humans have relied on plants and elements from nature to reduce anxiety, calm nerves and sooth the body. There are many known supplements that can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, calm and sooth your body. These include vitamins, minerals and plant derived sources. You can start with Valerian Root or Chamomile and continue exploring other alternatives. Be sure to get advice from an practitioner, as many natural substances are surprisingly powerful. To learn more about the Best Natural Supplements to Reduce Anxiety read about it the following article in Optimal Living Dynamics click here.

Make Changes in Your Life
When we experience symptoms of anxiety, its often an indicator that something in our life needs change. It can be a relationship, job, living situation, finances or habit. So this is a time to re-evaluate what works and does not work for your life. It is worth looking at your values and noticing which areas of your life do not align with your core value; this is a power pratice of noticing. When you are ready to make change, you can take the steps to align your life with what you really want. This will improve your sense of agency, reduce anxiety and bring more peace and happiness everyday.
These are some ways that you can reduce anxiety in your life. This work will take some time and practice. You deserve the best life possible full of hope, optimism, clarity and stillness. You are worth it.
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