Can You Surrender to the Guidance of the Universe?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if pain was avoidable?
But, truth is, pain is not unavoidable.
We can experience pain in different areas of our lives: finances, relationships and health. The Universe wants what is best for you- do you believe it? We can also avoid a lot of pain if open to the signals that the Universe is sending.
So would you rather be hit by a feather, brick or truck?

The Feather is the Nudge
If you are doing something that is out of line with your core belief or value, you will get a little nudge from the Universe – “the feather”. It might be an uneasy feeling or a headache or a disagreement with with someone. It is easy to ignore this little nudge, and escape into a world of autopilot.
Don’t Ignore the Brick
If you ignore the feather, then the Universe will deliver the message that will hit you like “a brick”. This is a stronger warning that something isn’t right in your life and that you need to make a change. This will feel much heavier and can impact you physically- perhaps an illness, conflict or even injury. It can show up in many forms. The problem is we often miss the bricks because we are living life unconsciously.
Your Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”
Jim Rohn
It’s easy to ignore the brick, because we are so set on feeling like we can overcome this new obstacle and perhaps we are with much pain and resistence. Well actually, if you choose to ignore this sign, you will not be able to move to the next level of consciousness.
The Truck is the Emergency
When you ignore the bricks, the Universe will hit you with “a truck”! The Impact will feel like BAM! Things can get quite difficult when its the truck that hits you. Here is where you will experience a bigger impact- perhaps financially you can become bankrupt, or your partner may leave you or your health may take a dive for the worst. The individual may spend time grieving or be in anger as a result of this circumstance. So what do you decide to do now?
Sometimes it takes one to be hit by the truck to really notice that change is needed. Really, this is just a way for the universe to tell you that change is needed, so that you may move on to your next level of personal development. You are being guided to better actualize yourself in this lifetime.
Next time you are hit by a truck or if you have just been hit by a truck then ask yourself a couple of questions: “What is the good in this?” and “What lessons can I learn from this?” It will help you peel yourself off the road and carry on with your journey.
The truck becomes an “emergency” or “alarm” that creates for us pain so that we can respond.
What Can We Learn from Suffering and Pain
As humans we are motivated by pleasure and pain. We do our very best to avoid pain and off course we seek pleasure. Yet, so many of us continue to move forward with out seeing the signs from the universe. Not all pain is bad, in fact, pain invites us to recallibarate our moral compass and revisit our path so that it aligns with our values and joy.
The Universe Wants the Best for You
So, I think you probably know where the message of this analogy is. It is an invitation to live our life listening to the clues. Intution is the ability to aquire knowledge without the rational or conscious reasoning and here is where you must decide to read deeper into these problems that occur and get bigger over time. We can live not from pain, but from pleasure and joy. A life that is aligned with our true self. All when we let ourselves surrender to the clues from the universe.
And you know what happens?
With new direction, you live a life that is more peaceful because there is less resistence. You grow stronger when you say “no” to what does not serve you anymore.
Often times, we feel resistence when our life does not align with our values. We do not live in the present moment because its not where we want to be. This can result in anxiety and a general sense of disatisfaction with life. Life can feel out of control and empty. A bland life that does not satisfy our deepest desires or passions is no way to live.
It’s hard to change your circumstance- perhaps its a relationship, job or personal habit. It can be scary to leave your old self behind. But you know that you must not stay because doing so will give you even more pain and misery.
‘Where you stumble, there your treasure lies.’
Joseph Campbell
Are you ready for the challenge?
Can You Trust?
Your intuition always knows what is best and the universe conspires to use your unique qualities to serve the greater good.
Trust yourself and trust your universe. Let go of the resistence and allow yourself to follow the path ahead. With Trust and Gratitude, the universe will conspire with you- in your favour!
Through your surrender to this path, you will find your peace.
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