In this quiz you will see which type of information you process.The results will determine whether your preference is directed to facts or whether it is towards the unknown. The test is based on Myers-Briggs Personality Types. This will help to determine the best mindful activities that are most natural for your personality type.
- Question of
Do you often trust your gut instinct when you respond to situations?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Do you observe carefully facial expressions of people when you listen to them in order to understand their message?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Do You trust experience first and trust words and symbols less?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Do you look to the “bottom line”, when making a decision, rather then consider less pragmatic choices that may not create immediate rewards?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Do you mostly solve problems by working through facts until you understand the problem?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Are you more likely to focus on something that is actual, present, current, and real, rather than what is a vision or imaginary?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Are you likely to follow and believe abstract concepts that are not proven like spirit or the supernatural?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Do you have a big imagination and enjoy new ideas, concepts and thinking about possibilities?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Have you been desribed as someone who is “down to Earth” and focused on the here and now?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
In an activity, do you first try to identify the BIG PICTURE over the small details of the task?
- Yes
- No
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