This article features practical tips to help you let go and create space in your life for what really matters. You will be inspired to open your life to your new and upgraded self and the opportunities ahead. You can feel more free and be more present. Letting Go is a transformative experience.
Our energy is finite. Whether it is time or resources, when we create more space in our lives we create more room for what really matters.
10 Things to Let Go of Today
Let Go of Old Clothes

So this is a big one, perhaps for many women and men.
Why do we hold on to clothes that we don’t wear?
There is a certain feeling of luxury seeing a full closet; full of possibilities and also memories. Clothes can be so intimate, reminding us of places we have visited, celebrations and activities attended. They remind us of good days spent with others, when we felt particularlry good about ourselves wearing a certain outfit. Often, we hold on to clothes hoping that we can relive these memories or perhaps create new ones. The crutch is that we also spend a significant amount of time finding and taking care of our clothes.
There is the problem.
Clothes need space. We take care of them, wash and dry them, fold them, tailor them and organize them in our closet. That is a lot of time invested. The reality is that most people only regularly wear 10-20 percent of their wardrobe. So, the other clothes sit, waiting to be worn. If only you had all those occassions to attend. Why not donate your clothing to those who could really use it? Perhaps an individual waiting for a second chance at a homeless shelter can benefit from suits that no longer fit you in order to attend a job interview. Charity thrift shops create opportunities for people to enjoy clothing they would never be able to afford. Or, why not make someone’s day by gifting them with a gorgeous dress they can can wear, instead of it hanging and collecting dust in your closet.
Minimalism is a practice and lifestyle that creates more space in our lives. By decluttering and making mindful choices about what items we purchase and hold on to can greatly benefit our lives. Read about Minimalism in Do Calm’s Article Minimalism Creates More Space in Your Life.
Donating Feels Good
Give what you don’t need to someone who can really appreciate it and who’s life will be impacted. Make someone’s day and help them see this shiny item as the best thing that they found today. Much better than sitting in your space being useless and unhappy.
Let Go of Knick Knacks
Next up are those souvenirs, gag gifts and cute things; fun, flirty and even outrageously hillarious. Sure they had their time, they brought up memories of moments, times, impressions. An “inside joke” mug can be a reminder of the colleagues at your old job and all the good times that you had. Other times, we pick items up at garage sales, our travels or thrift shops. The treasure hunt is the fun in itself. But, how important is to you now to hold on to the kittens on a gondala sculpture that sits in your living room competing for your attention. The space can be used for much more meaningful items that reflect who you are right now. So why not donate these to the local thrift shop? Someone who is starting their new circus and juggling troupe can really get a kick and inspiration for their rehearsal space.

Let Go of Toiletries You won’t Use
Once upon a time you used a certain eyeshadow shade that you have grown out of. Or perhaps, there was a product that proved to actually damage your hair, instead of improving texture. You tried it out, maybe you even went back to the pharmacy but didn’t get the refund. You spent a decent coin and now you feel bad about throwing it out. So, what are you waiting for? The product is taking up valuable space in your bathroom cabinet! Let go.
Let Go of Old Beliefs of Ourselves
Perhaps you once believed that you were shy or unattractive. You doubted yourself because you believed yourself to be small or not worthy. As we grow, we also outgrow old beliefs of ourselves. New ideas about ourselves emerge as we have new experiences and “aha moments” leading us in the new directions. So, embrace this shift and really take it in.
Our cells are constantly growing and renewing. When we feel good about ourselves, we positively impact our health and well-being. When you can embrace new beliefs you will be changing not only your mindset, but also you physiology. You will begin to see shift in the way that you interact with others and the way in which the world interacts with you.
Let Go of People who are not good for us
This is not easy to do sometimes. We all have those people in our lives who drive us mad because they exude negative energy. While it is good to be a good friend and help support their growth, it is important to put it all in perspective. Sometimes there is too much drain of our own energy when we over-invest in people who are negative, rarely act in our best interest or fail to come through for us over and over again. We can give others several chances; however, there does come a point when we have to set our limits for our own well-being and care. We can dedicate limited time, at a distance, to some people and be at our best when we see them. Boundaries are a pinacle of self-care.
Let Go of Negative Thoughts
We are capable of thinking positively. What can hold us back are our old habits of thinking and feeling rooted in the past. Negative thoughts limit us. When we let go of negative thoughts, we can live a life that is more spontanenous, immersed in the world and more fully in the present moment.
Understanding what magnifies these negative emotions and what we can do to weaken this tight rope on us can set us free to live life to the fullest. When we let go of negative emotions, we can see greater potential in our life and rise above our limitations. Negative thoughts about ourslelves such as “I can not do this” or “It won’t get any better”, can create a negative loop when pairing with our emotions. Unless you make a decision to move out of this negative loop of thinking, this pattern will dictate how you live your life. Time to let those negative thoughts go where they need to be- out of your mind.
“Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.”
Samuel Smiles
Have you ever heard the expression, “Don’t believe everthing you think”? Because your thoughts are not your own; they are the consturct of your upbringing and environment. One of the best ways to let go of negative thoughts is to practice mindfulness and a daily meditation practice. Sitting throught negative emotions, and allowing them to persist without resisting is how we can get there. Surrendering the control to resist these feelings responsible for low self-esteem, hopelessness and disappointment gives us the strength to live with out negativity in our lives. Learn how to meditate by reading DoCalm’s article How to Begin a Meditation Practice.
Let Go of Others’ Expectations
One aspect of happiness is the possibility to define our life in the very way that suits us. An example, universally experienced is the conflict of what we want and what our parents wish for us. Our parents have a vision for our lives, it may not be what we want.As young adults, we usually discover and begin see and make sense of the competition between our own desires in life and what we have been conditioned to believe is best for us by our family. Our friends can also be a great influence over us. Often others feel they know what is best for us, yet truly we are driving our ship; so, don’t forget who is driving your ship, bus, van or even Lamborghigini. Hopefully, no one else but you! So let go and drive your own way.
Let Go of Poor Habits
You know these habits are poor and not serving you. Whether you are going to bed late consistently or neglecting your self-care by not washing your face before bed, eating poorly or missing your daily movement session. Perhaps you are still smoking or habitually misplacing your keys when you know it takes longer to actually find the keys rather than store it mindfully in the same place every time you come home.
Habits can be sneaky. They can creep up on us with out awareness. Before we know it, a habit becomes a way that we live our lives.
Let Go of Poor Mindsets
If we really want to grow in our lives, it is important to be aware of our mindsets. Identifying poor mindsets creates self- awareness. It takes a great deal humbleness to identify our own flaws and negative patterns in thinking. Some examples of mindsets that can set back our growth to become better versions of oursleves include: victimhood, scarcity mindset. When you can identify these mindsets not serving you you can shift and tap into empowering mindsets like agency, abundance and growth mindset.
How do you get there?
Learn, grow, read, interact with others. Learn from those who were able to move out of their own limiting mindset and soared higher- to where you want to be now tomorrow. When we shift our mindset, we begin to develop new habits and with new habits come new mindsets. Side by side, they reinforce one another as we make room for what really matters
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