In this article you will read about how to deal with FOMO and the reasons for the uncomfortable feeling. The article will also provide some solutions for turning around the feelings to joy, renewal and pleasure.
What is FOMO?
Have you ever felt a deep-seated anxiety when presented with an opportunity to attend an event, because while you know that the stars are not aligned for you to be there, you feel stressed about the possibility of missing out.
Perhaps you know that you must spend the evening studying for an exam, or you know that you really can’t afford to go to a concert, yet you simply cannot cancel this out of your mind. You feel torn, and literary cannot get back to your daily activities, because while you know that you are likely not going, you dread closing the door on the possibility. You end up deliberating about the option for hours or even days, convincing yourself that this may be the only opportunity that will come your way. You end up spending time away from what is important for you to do in the present moment. Well, if it sounds like this then you probably got a case of FOMO.
The Meaning of FOMO
This term literarily means the Fear of Missing Out. It has been used in contemporary cultural references but the general feeling is universal. FOMO is the feeling that one will miss out on something that is deemed enjoyable, popular- usually a social event. Because the reference alludes to an event, the meaning implies that not attending would be a loss with negative consequences.
Social Media and FOMO
From the comfort of our home, we are inundated with incoming images of people in interesting places, with interesting people doing interesting things. Their bright shiny smiles reflect to us our own unhappiness in that moment. It may appear as if all that they are experiencing is normal and your life is not that shiny. When this comes into our screens and homes daily, it may appear as if that is the norm. The reality is that social media allows us to present the greatest highlight moments of our lives. This is the great illusion that we live with as consumers of social media. Before you read about how to deal with FOMO in your life lets look at the symptoms.
Fear of Missing out Symptoms
- Anxiety
- Saddness and Melancholy
- Loneliness
- Need to Please Others
- Inability to Relax
- Lack of Self-Care
Have you Experienced FOMO?
- Have you felt like you needed to do something because it felt like it was a “once in a blue moon” opportunity?
- Have you felt like you needed to be somewhere because it appeared like everyone else was partaking?
- Have you felt like if you missed the event, it would mean that there was a missed opportunity to meet people or experience something unique?
- Have you felt torn between your need for rest and attending an event?
- Have you felt torn between your need to save money or time and attending a social event?
The Meaning of FOMO in Your Life
Like any negative and uncomfortable feeling, the feeling “Fear of Missing Out” is an indication to you that something else is going on under the surface. Ultimately, our feelings help us navigate what is best for us. This uncomfortable feeling is a way that your body is communicating to you. Always trust your gut!
If you experience FOMO often it means that you need to get back to yourself and re-evaluate what is important in your life.
It’s not a bad thing to feel torn; in fact, you are in a place of confusion, and called to re-evaluate your priorities in order to come out from the confusion bubble into greater clarity. Fomo means that you are not prioritizing your needs.
FOMO means that you are not prioritizing your own needs
That’s right, when you are feeling anxious about the possibility of missing out it means that there are other reasons why, other than those that will truly benefit you. It’s time to get honestly serious with yourself in order to deal with FOMO.
Now that you have a better understanding of FOMO in your life, it is time to shift the mindset. Why not look at time to yourself as its own joy and source for renewal, regeneration.
What is JOMO
“Joy of Missing Out” is literarly the antidote to FOMO.
So, you missed the opportunity to buy a ticket to the social event; relax kick your feet back on the coach and read your new book.
So, you had too much going on to accept the invite to the staff Christmas Party; no worries, now you get to indulge in an evening of bubble bath, facial mask, listening to relaxing music while the cat sits on your lap curious as to why you are so blissfully happy. You can arrive to work the next day looking and feeling refreshed and calm; your coworkers may even wonder what you have been up to.
Ultimately, JOMO is finding the joy in the great luxury of time with yourself and your self-care. Consider all the potential to nourish yourself. Find the joy in self-care and prioritize yourself.
How to Deal With FOMO
The best way to manage this feeling is to connect to the here and now through meaningful connections and self-care. Here are some ways that you can make the most of your JOMO time any evening:
- Unplug from Social Media
- Go for a walk
- Spending time with your loved ones
- Make it a spa evening at home with a relaxing and soothing Mineral Salt Bath.
- Spend time with your Pet
- Cook a nutritious meal like soup
- Read a book on the coach or in bed
- Listen to relaxing music and healing sounds like Binural Beats.
- Take up a meditaiton pratice like Sohum Meditation or learn how to meditate
- Enjoy a comforting and relaxing Herbal Tea

Be Kind to Yourself Always
Lastly, whatever is the reason that you are feeling FOMO, remember that it is okey to feel it. You have to feel it to heal it. What is most important is that you are using the opportunity to self- reflect and become aware of what it is really that you are feeling. Give yourelf a big hug, you deserve to prioritize yourself.
Are you looking to learn more about starting a meditation practice? Learn about posture, attire, positions, eyes and sound to support your practice. We invite you to read DoCalm’s Article How to Begin a Meditation Practice.