Furry smiles, cute paws and those big eyes! It is not surprising that so many people love pets and choose them as their life companions. One of the greatest reasons to share life with an animal, next to the obvious cuteness, is the possibility to release stress and reduce anxiety better than any medicine can. The presence of pets in one’s life can even ease symptoms of bipolar disorder and PTSD and their relaxing influence cannot be overrated.
With their deep eyes wide open, full of understanding, compassion and the purest form of love, pets make life better.
Benefits of living with pets
Not so long ago, scientists discovered that the advantages of pet ownership, especially cats and dogs, can be proven. From easing bad effects of long-term loneliness, through reducing stress, helping in relaxation and anxiety, to encouraging exercise, pets are great friends and wonderful healers.
Some of the many benefits of spending time with non-human friends include[i]:
- lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, the main factors of heart diseases;
- patients who have a dog survive heart attacks more often than those who do not;
- in a group of people older than 65, those with pets visit doctors 30% less in comparison to those who live without animals;
- playing with pets helps the body to release serotonin and dopamine, hormones that are responsible for happiness and relaxation.
The Healing Power of Touch
Dacher Keltner, a psychology professor, believes that touch is a way to show and receive compassion[ii]. According to much research, touch is a fundamental need for humans. It helps not only to communicate but also to bond. Moreover, it has great health benefits. So, it is not surprising at all, that touching animals has the equivalent effect. It can ease stress and help with the feeling of solitude. One of the studies made by the Centre for Mental Health tested the interaction between dogs and prisoners. The results were amazing and proved that contact with animals can calm down even the most stressed-out people. Showing unconditional interest and affection helped prisoners to feel needed, loved and relaxed.
Our Bonding Buddies
Crucial in the relationship between human and animal is the bond that is created between them. This connection makes people feel that there is someone important in one’s life and also that they are needed. That social relation can be literally lifesaving for those who live lonely lives, suffer from mental problems and are in a suicide risk group. Having a pet not only gives socially isolated people a companion but also makes creating new bonds more probable, this time with a human. While walking a dog or choosing cat food it is more likely to spark a conversation with another person and, perhaps, create a new relationship.

Changing our Lifestyle to Live Better
Having a pet, especially a dog, very often makes people change their lifestyles for healthier and more active ones.
Wake up and walk
It is not the case with most cat caregivers, but dog lovers can easily relate to waking up every day and walking their furry companions. It creates a healthy habit of waking up at more or less the same time everyday. Plus, even though it might seem pressured, walking in the fresh air everyday can give amazing physical and mental results as well.
When a body is more active, it “wakes up” easier and its muscles start working together with veins that pump fresh blood from the heart. A side effect of this can be losing some extra weight. Of course, spending time in the fresh air will, additionally, calm the mind and help reduce tension.
Take care
Having a pet puts everyone in a position of responsibility. A dog, cat or any other animal has to be fed, groomed, walked and taken care of. This way, a person can feel more needed and wanted. It is especially important for people who live alone. Companionship can not only take the mind away from everyday problems, stress and overthinking, but also prevent the development of depression or even Alzheimer’s[iii].
Get out in to the world
People who suffer from anxiety are very often overwhelmed with the prospect of going out. Having a pet urges them to get out of the house for a walk, or even to buy food for them. As animals are in general joyous and do not care about opinion, they can help their caregivers to be more mindful and present in the moment, easing overthinking as an effect.
A More Fulfilling and Purposeful Life
In the modern world, it is easy to feel lonely, especially when one has “too much” time or is an over thinker. This is why retired people should especially consider adopting a pet. This way the day will be filled and will no longer be full of empty hours that no one knows what to do with. Taking care of a living creature, and often saving them from death, not only brings joy and a healthy routine but also fulfillment. And there is nothing like relaxing with a pet on the side, while reading a book or watching TV.
Purr, purr
Cat’s purr is considered by many as a deeply relaxing. According to scientists purring can heal many physical injuries or diseases but also have a great impact for mental health and calming properties. The secret lays in frequency. Cats purr 18 to 20 Hz which is considered as a frequency that can heal even broken bones. It is also a rate which helps people to calm down and relax. This therapeutic sound range reduces stress and also loosens nerves. [iv]
Childhood friends
While growing up, kids are exposed to many new and unwanted emotions. It is important that they have someone to rely on. In an ideal world, this role should be carried out, first of all, by parents. However, the reality is often far from the ideal. Pets always love, they do not criticize, and their emotions are pure and selfless. Staying with them can be crucial for developing compassion, love and a feeling of security. Especially in houses where emotional security cannot be provided by parents.
Pets also ease anxiety and suffering caused by separation from a beloved person. This is why animals can relieve pain while a child’s parents are absent or divorced. They are also a wonderful help for both kids and adults during times of grieving after the loss of loved ones[v]. Their presence can calm down and helps to relax even while experiencing painful and traumatic circumstances.
The unconditional love of an animal, but also its needs, can help a child to feel important and wanted, and in effect, helps them to develop a positive self-image.

Pets are not an accessory
While pets can significantly improve well-being, it is necessary to remember that they are living and feeling creatures. They cannot be used as a miracle remedy for all problems. Pets can become one’s best friends, but they also require help and responsibility from the side of the caregiver, and they cannot be treated as a toy.
When in doubt, there are many ways to check out if the adoption of a pet is a good idea.
- Go to the shelter: helping in the local shelter is a great idea to spend valuable, calming time with animals, and also to learn about them from a specialist. As shelters are very often overcrowded, the help of volunteers is crucial.
- Hang out with your friend’s dog, or both of them: walking with a friend’s dog or cat-sitting can help dispel doubts regarding adoption. Doing so, one can learn more about these animals and also discover their needs.
- Reach for “professional” help: it is becoming more and more popular to have centres where one can find therapist animals. Going to these kinds of places can be treated as a relaxation session: playing with animals, stroking them, and enjoying their companionship will cause a release of anxiety, and stress will simply go away.
It is not only about cute whiskers, funny looks, impressive tricks, and quirky weird habits. Animals give people the motivation to wake up and, literally, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Pets help to relax, calm down and reduce stress better than anything else. They fill the basic human need of touch. They make a person feel needed and worth being. And no matter what, they are always there, for good and bad, waiting for the smile, tears, stream of words or moments of silence. With their deep eyes wide open, full of understanding, compassion and the purest form of love, pets make life better.

[i] Robinson, L. (2019, October). Mood-Boosting Power of Pets. HelpGuide.Org. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/mood-boosting-power-of-dogs.htm
[ii] Dacher K.. Hands On Research: The Science of Touch. (2010). Greater Good. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/hands_on_research
[iii] Pets and mental health. (2018, August 14). Mental Health Foundation. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/p/pets-and-mental-health
[iv] Silver, J. (2016, September 30). Letting Your Cat Purr On Your Body Can Have A Huge Impact On Your Health. LittleThings.Com. https://www.littlethings.com/benefits-of-cat-purrs/3
[v] Pets and mental health. (2018, August 14). Mental Health Foundation. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/p/pets-and-mental-health