Tuning in to Others
Empathy is an essential ingredient in love, compassion and meaningful communication. We learn empathy early in life from our caregivers and we can continue to learn to be more empathetic as we practice compassion for ourselves and others.
Why Empathy Matters in Our World

When we develop stronger relationships with others, our quality of life improves. Through genuine connections with others, we learn to give and also receive. One of the greatest gifts we can give others is compassion.
Imagine how much more wonderful our world can be when a stranger, instead of giving you a cold shoulder and piercing eye squint as you accidently bump into them on your morning commute to work on the subway, recognizes that you are under stress and pressure. They may offer you a smile and a gentle “are you okey?” under their toungue. Or perhaps, they can ask if you need help carrying the large bags that you’re bringing into work for your special event that you are anticipating. This simple display of compassion can reset your morning- inviting you to make the choice to bring that compassion back to yourself. How would this change your day?
Now imagine a world where we all people could display empathy through out their day and lead with empathy. We can reduce suffering in our world and the rewards will ripple onto others. Imagine a world where we feel connected to one another through tolerance, kindness and compassion.
Have you ever seen a young child show deep compassion towards an animal? Children have a natural reserve of empathy that is deepened by the closeness of their key relationships within the first few years of lif
Mindful Meditation and Empathy
When we meditate we bring our compassion inwards, in the present moment towards our own thoughts and emotions. When we practice meditation, we learn how to be less judgmental of ourselves. We allow thoughts to pass and learn to not internalize or identify with our thoughts. This makes it easier for us to support others and see past our judgements which can be automatic if we do not train our minds. If you are a beginner, DoCalm has a simple guide for individuals looking to begin a meditation practice.
Meditation activates a part of our brain called insula, which appears to play a key role in activating empathy for others. Regular meditation practice has the capacity to increase our empathy by extending compassion to others. This enriches our relationships and abilities to communicate.

Steps to Develop Empathy
Do Something Different
Put yourself in another’s shoes. Do something different that you have never done before in order to open your mind to another’s experience. You can try going to a different neighbourhood, where others are less privileged or perhaps volunteer at a community centre, homeless shelter or soup kitchen. This will allow you to experience another perspective and in turn broaden your mind and even allow you experience different emotions.
Examine Your Prejudice
Start with an open mind. See which negative views are preconceptions that you hold. Any prejudice is a block to understanding, so think about your own privileges, past experiences or ideas that you inherited due to conditioning. What if the opposite was true?
Listen Carefully
Listening is one of the greatest gifts we can give another and also ourselves. When we really listen, not only does another feel heard and understood and valuable, we also benefit by gaining perspective that can help us grow.
Be Curious
Talk to people from all walks of life. Whether it is a homeless person, a pensioner or a barista at the cafe- new perspectives gained can really expand how we see the world. You will find yourself growing as a person as you see different perspectives and experiences. People are like walking libraries. Inquire about them patiently and ask questions. You will feel more connected to others as you see different points of view.
Do Good
Commit yourself to do good things. It can be simply taking time to listen, or volunteering your time or donating resources. The important thing is that you follow through with your intention. See your world open up as you open your heart to those who need more than you.
Be Kind to Yourself
When you can offer yourself the kindness and compassion that you would like to give others, you will grow your empathy. Practicing self-care and love will allow us to radiate our love from within out in to the world. This includes: speaking kind words to ourselves, establishing boundaries that support our well-being and treating ourselves to nourishing foods and activities.
You can practice Loving Kindess Meditation to deepen your circle of empathy. Starting with you!
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