Congratulations on completing the Mindful Exercise Personality Tests! You have learned more about yourself. There as so many ways to practice mindful movement; choosing a Mindful Movement Activity based on your personality is a great way to stay engaged and practice mindful movement.
(E) or (I)
While mindfulness is a practice of connecting with the “inner world” through the senses, the style of practice and degree of engagement of the activity with others can vary.
The Best Mindful Movement Exercise for EXTROVERTS
You are more likely to enjoy activities with others. This can include activities with interactions in group classes and ceremonies such as different styles of yoga including: Vinyasa, Hatha and Kundalini. Other mindful movement group classes composed of Eastern practices and traditions including martial arts like Karate, Tai Kwon Do and Tai chi. You may also find yourself thriving in a Yoga Retreat or an Acro-Yoga class, where you can meet and interact with people through common goals. To learn more about Acro-Yoga check out this article.
There are numerous group classes in most communities, led by instructors that allow you recharge from the energy of the surrounding world as an EXTROVERT. While mindfulness is established when you draw you attention inwards, a support group and interactions before and after your activity may be the motivation to give you the boost you need to make mindful movement activities a pleasant habit.

The Best Mindful Movement Exercise for INTROVERTS
you may find it easier to practice alone or in a smaller group or in a private class. Your practice can include following videos found online, from books, audio recordings or online courses or simply your own practice that you cultivated in your sacred space. To learn more about how to create a Sacred Space read the following article in DoCalm called: “How to Create a Sacred Space for Yoga and Spiritual Practice”.
You may really enjoy attending a silent retreat where participants are limited in their interactions. A good forest walk is recharging for an introvert like a party can be for an extrovert. You may still enjoy group activities, as long as there are conditions for you to preserve your “me time”. Be sure that you still make friends that practice your favourite mindfulness activities, perhaps some other “introvert types” who understand your need for quiet place and moments to go inward.
The Best Mindful Movement Exercise for SENSING and PERCEIVING Personalities
(S) and (P)
You love to Explore
You are drawn to activities that allow you to be spontaneous, flexible and novel. You love original and new approaches.
Some Mindful Movement Activities that are aligned with your personality include Ecstatic Dance and 5 Rhythms Dance plus forms of body-somatic exploration like Caporeira, that allow you to use your body as a tool for exploration and experimentation. Because you love seeing the world through your senses; an activity like Mindful Eating will compliment your personality.

The Best Mindful Exercise for SENSING and JUDGING Personalities
(S) and (J)
You love to be Practical
You love order and stability and tradition. Some Mindful Movement Activities that are aligned with your personality include: some forms of Martial Arts like Karate and Tai Kwon Do. Other activities include some forms of yoga like Hatha Yoga, that follow traditions and allow you to learn in sequential steps. These activities are led by training instructors where participants follow steps and by long held traditions that will help you feel stable. You will also practice habits to develop discipline and test the limits of your mind and body.

The Best Mindful Movement Exercise for INTUITION and FEELING Personalities
(N) and (F)
You are an Idealist
You are empathetic individual, deeply attuned to the feelings of others. You are passionate about making the world a better place and seeing the best in others.
Some Mindful Movement Activities that align with your Personality include those that allow you to connect for a common purpose. Yoga is an excellent activity for these personality types. The philosophies that are taught alongside of the physical practice advocate for compassionate actions towards others and self; such as what we eat and how we think.

The Best Mindful Movement Exercise for INTUITIVE and THINKING Personalities
(N) and (T)
You are an Analyst
You are rational and intellectual and view the world from an objective point-of-view.
Some Mindful Movement Activities that will allign with your personality include forms of Martial Arts, particularly those where you can explore deep study into the internal mechanism behind the activity. If you are also an I (Introvert) you may want to try an activity like QiGong or Tai-Chi where you learn and apply systems within the energy body. You may also find yourself drawn to some forms of yoga, especially if it allows you to learn about the structures and philosophy behind the practice. As an ANALYST, you love to work through these teachings and make your own assessments based on your experience.

Keeping an Open Mind
Don’t forget that sometimes, we need to challenge ourselves to try activities outside our comfort zones in order to learn more about ourselves.
For instance, if you are an Extrovert who has a challenge being with yourself alone, you may want to consider going on a Silent Retreat. There you will need to turn off your electronic devices and practice being with yourself. This may be uncomfortable at first. Another example can be the Intuitive(N) and Feeling (F) personality, benefiting from practical structured activities in order to practice discipline and grounding.
Here is a video led by the respected Thich Nhat Hahn, leading Mindful Movement. Enjoy and Be Well.
To learn more about different types of Mindful Movement, read DoCalm’s Article: 7 Mindful Medicines to Try Today.