personal self care ideas

Elevate Your Calm With These 20- Minute Stress-Busters Today

It’s mid-day, there is a list of phone-call you have not yet made and there is a pile of papers and emails that have not been answered. Perhaps, it feels like today’s to do list still is not half way complete, and the tight deadline is looming as is the time you have to pick up the kids.

Easy Stress Relievers

Most people experience stress through out the day. In our multi-tasking modern lives, we come across moments when we notice our body feels physiological stress: our breath becomes faster and more restricted, our muscles feel tense and mentally we may feel overwhelmed. To learn more about how stress affects the body, read the following article.


The good thing is that this is the natural intelligence of our body that reminds us to come to a place of greater calm. By learning to respond to these physiological response we have the capacity to reset our state of being. You will even find yourself continuing the activities of the day with greater focus, joy and calm- ultimately improving not only the quality of your day but also your productivity.

All the activities below will take less then 20 minutes of your day and provide lasting noticeable results that can be replicated every time that you experience stress. Be sure to include some stress-buster time into your day.  

Savasana Body-scan

Lie down in the savasana “dead man’s pose”. This is a restorative pose used at the end of the yoga practice. As you lie down observe your breath as it moves through your body and the way in which your diaphragm expands. To begin the body scan, bring you attention to your feet and your knees. Notice if there is any tension in these areas. Move the attention to your hip bones, noticing the space of your reproductive organs, and moving the attention up thru the digestive system and kidney, liver. Move the attention to your lungs, heart and notice the space between your shoulders. Observe the attention moving from your arms to your fingers. As you are consciously aware of your body, observe where the tightness is and where you are holding energy. Move the attention through your throat, your facial muscles. Open the space between your tongue and the top of your mouth. Observe your eye-sockets and between your brows. Last, bring the attention to the brain, temples and skull. As you do this exercise, stop periodically and pay attention to the messages that your body is telling you. This communication will help bring you back to center and stillness.

To learn more about the Savanasa Body Scan, read the following article in The Yoga Goddess here

Physical Exercise

When you have had a long and tense morning, a great way to relive stress and tension is to get physical. A 20-minute cardiovascular boost is all that you need to experience the benefits of  the dopamine and serotonin surge in your body. These hormones will calm you, give you energy. Some great exercises include: swimming, cycling, running.  Be sure that you find an activity that you really enjoy so that it does never feels like you are forcing this activity. Associate this activity with joy and you will feel in the flow. 

Drink Water

Most people do not realize that then are dehydrated. The effects of dehydration is that it adds stress in our organs. The body also needs water to filter toxins that can create inflammation and stress in our bodies. Drink at least 8 cups a day and resort to water if you are feeling anxious or agitated. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much better you feel.


Nature Time

Nature is the natural stress buster. People who live close to  nature experience less stress. Go for a walk in the park or take a bike ride near a river. If a park is not so near by, take the time to visit your garden. Perhaps this may be only a balcony garden that you have access to. Nuture this time to tend to you plants by pruning, providing nutrients to your plants or watering. Even a house plant can provide you with the benefits of grounding and sense of peace.  Tending to care for this plant by repotting, water, pruning and providing nutrients will allow you to immerse yourself into nature.  Nature is here to heal and nurture- find your time in nature.

Nature is here to heal and nurture.



Breath Break

When we are stressed, the quality of our breath changes. It feels more restricted and our breath is tighter. When this happens, our heart beats faster and ultimately our bodies go into a flight or fight response. Chronic stress is characterized by faster breathing and heart rate. Breath is life and when we learn to manage breath we can manage our stress. All it takes is a few minutes to re-balance our breath and reset our stress response. Some examples of breathing exercise include. Read about Pranayama (breathing practice) in the following article by DoCalm: Life is Better When your Learn How to Breath.


One way to still our fragmented minds is by taking a meditation break.  You may not have the time during your day for a 1-hour long transcendental meditation session, although a 5-20 minute meditation break can offer immense benefits to reset the staggered and fragmented mind and bring us back to a place of stillness. Find a quiet place, preferably in a seated position and focus your attention on the space between your forehead. Observe your breath and practice kindness and compassion with yourself as you centre your mind among distractions in the form of sounds and noised in the space and the thoughts crossing your mind. To learn more about meditation read Docalm’ s article about the simple Sohum Meditation.

Music Break

One way to shift out of the state of being that induces stress is to change the scenery using sound and music. A music break can take our minds to places away from our immediate surroundings.  Harmonious, calming and relaxing music is available in different genres from the uplifting melodies of classical symphonies to uplifting lyrical melodies.  You may prefer music with lyrics that invite visions of tranquility. Provide space for these euphonious sounds and allow yourself to be immersed in the beauty of sound.

Here is an example of euphonious music that is sure to take you to a place of tranquility and delight.

 You may also include binaural sounds, the frequencies in these sounds are proven to affect our brain states. Some music incorporates these beats into the original music although you may also listen to these sounds on their own.

To find out more about the healing and calming effects of Binural Beats, Docalm’s article presents a comprehensive introduction here

All the activities proposed have the potential to shift your state of mind in less then 20 minutes. You may also combine these activities.  Listening to binaural sounds while gardening or doing breath exercises can be very effective to reduce your stress level and continue your daily tasks in line for completion. 

Notice your body’s response and know that you can shift your body and mind in to place of stillness. Let this be reassuring and also empowering.

ideas for self care

A New Way of Being With Time

self care ideas

How to Optimize Your Mind Using Binaural Beats